Marking the 10th anniversary of Homo Novus, we have gathered 11 Latvian artists from various genres for a production of new small scale performances, installations or actions. These works will be based in the British theatre scholar Alan Read’s theory of “theatre as the last human venue” and structured as an event, unified in time and space.
In his book ‘Theatre, Intimacy and Engagement’, Alan Read writes: “The last human venue marks the location and moment of human beings’ awareness of their own eventual extinction. Performance, on the contrary, explores ways in which performance operates as an exciter of sentience, kick-starting our sense of being alive, acting as a pleasurable lengthening of device to extend our inevitable faith. Humans in this venue distinguish themselves from other animals through their experiencing of an extended childhood, in their ability to sustain a controlled, unbroken outward breath and by their unique capacity to aesthetically disappoint.”
‘The Last Human Venue’ programme includes performances by theatre directors Pēteris Krilovs, Vladislavs Nastavševs and Valters Sīlis, and the exhibition by directors Andrejs Jarovojs, Viesturs Meikšāns, set designers Monika Pormale, Izoldes Cēsniece, Reinis Suhanovs, fashion designers MAREUNROL’S and artistic collectives Nomadi and umka.lv.
Fake For Gun No You | All!
7, 8 September 15:00 | Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry | 7 and 5* Ls
The performance by Kinkaleri is dedicated to the figure of William Seward Burroughs. It is not a show about the celebrated beat generation writer but rather a lunge at the awareness of language, its power, and the possibility of revolt that could animate a body of today’s world, immersed in order and control. “Basically it’s a performance on what WSB used to teach: be free even under torture.”
After some years of original immersion in the words of Brecht and Genet, Kinkaleri return to tackle the choreographic universe and gestural dynamics in a work that questions itself about the entreaties of freedom.
Fake For Gun No You is a project in the series of independent performances All! that share the same spirit and will to act.
About artist
Kinkaleri was set up in 1995 as a “regrouping of formats and means poised in the attempt.” Its work includes theatre experimentation, inquiry into movement, visual installations, sound materials and performance, seeking a language not on the basis of a style but directly in the evidence of an object. The current group members are Massimo Conti, Marco Mazzoni and Gina Monaco.
Project and realisation: Kinkaleri
Performers: Jakopo Jenna and Simona Rossi
7, 8
7 and 5*
No text
1 h
Supported by
* Ticket price for pupils, students, seniors